Wednesday, 25 January 2012

express yourself!!!

                                              Contrast (Color, Tone & Saturation)

I took this picture a cople of years ago, I ws getting ready to go out and decided to take the picture from the view of my front door. I love the colour contrast of this image. I love how the sky is a pink orange colour and the fklats below it are so darl that it almost looks silouhteed. I think the delicate colours of thhe skly and the harsh darkiness of the falts bekow it really give structure to this picture. nornally when I think of contrast I think of bold coloyrs clashing with eachother for edample blood red with picth balck but I like the sft clours in the skyu hitting the darksness of the falts.

I took this picture while on holiday, Its just a normal sunset picture but I love how the suns colour seems to brun thriugh the sky and the clours loosely mixes in with the white clouds. I class this as clours contrast because of the near white clour at the top of the image ans the biuring image of the sun blazes thright the middle of the image, if the sky was pink like my above image with this iamge of the sun it wiuld oprobally not be colour cntrast because the clouyrs of the sun but becaus ethe clousd arund the sun are so cool the sun really burst thriugh the puicture the clouds aroiusnd the sun actaully frame the sun.


I do not have many portraits of myself as I dont really like images of myself, I did find this image of me on holdiday in Italy alst year. I  like this image becaus eit communiactes that im happy not juts by my smile but the settingng by the pool side the light piouring in from my right side my posistion it shows that im relaxed abnd happy. I like the saturated colour blue me the blues are really bright and because the concrete is a dull grey it makes the blue look really saturated and bright. The only other colour that stands out just as much as the blue saturated is the warm glowy colour of my skin. 

                       Line (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, perspective lines)
I took this image while living in singapore, this is one of the flat buildings that my family and I were living in. I love the lines in this image there are two types of lines in this image, there is a vertical lines in the detail of the flat buolding goimg straight up and there are horizontal oines going across. I think this is a simple image yet I think because if the stong vertical and horizontal lines give this image complex form. I like the fact that there are reflections in this picture, this creates double horizontal lines.

I took this image while living in singapore, this is a side of the pool at night. I remember kneeling on the floor and taking the picture trying to get the lines exactlky just right.I like the vertical line at the left side of the page and the fcat that it is a light really nrings your attanetion to this side of the page. I love how the light line seems to really fade away into the end of the picture. it was the fact that I lent down that i was able to make this picture while 
I took this image while living in singapore, I took this inside one of the shooping malls its the top of the mall and I jiust throight it was amazing unlike anything I had ever seen, very detailed and intricate. I love the fact that there are vertical, horizontal and diganla lines, it brings a string form to the mage and the lights make it look as tough it you are looking at the sky at night it is such a simple yet effective buoding, the lights seem to be paced at ether th end or the beggine of each diagnal horxatal or vertical line
I took this image while in new york this is the flatirin bulidng in Manhattan. I was really fascinated by the bukding it is such a werid yet winderful desgin. I love the rush and calmness in the pictureI think the blurry red light inn the cornerer brings a sense of a rush a zsencse if ciuty life etr the green tree behind it brings sense of calm and city and nture meshng togetger co excisting. I love the verticak lines iof the flat iron building its a nice formation the bulding becaus eof its string deisgn demonates the picture.

I took this image while living in singapore, we want trhrough ine of the markets and at the end of the market was a temple. this pictire is from a garden at the back of the temple. I love the vibrancy or the red in this oicture it really stands out abnd pousese you to look at the the strictire of the oictire which is created by the string mini colums. and the vertical and horizontal lines a the left side of the page. it is because the vower is so close to the image this makes the image have perspective lines.

Analyze Shot Of A Favorite Artist


I like this image of lana Del rey it shows the diffrence in emotions that she has or may be feeling. due to the two image sbeing oiver each other maybe it is a sign of combfkiction in emeotion. for example one image she has her head down maybe commmucayig that she is sad that she wanst to be aklone or that she is thinkinhg or remembering something. the siend  image she is like she is triwiung her hair back her mouth is mouth is open she looks a lot more care free and happy.

this is the single cover for her single born to die, I think having the Amercican falg in the bakcground could represent the ameiucan dream, the white oicket fence the hiuse the family tye stray at hine mother abd then fior kana dek ray and her biyfried to fkrst be topless and then for the boufriebd to not look convention ge looks more like a rebel going aginst what tyoicla amaercican mebn lok like could reoresnet the the amerucan dream is nit a reality is not real or that the amerucan dream has changed.

Motion Blur

I tok th8is pictire inside my room I have a coilleg on my room and I move the camera when i took the picutyer, I love how the cooloyr opos oput of this image. I realsixed that staeri8ng at thius image showed me that the main clour that opos out is white Inthink it is because the manu bajcgriund clour is hwite. I like how the image looks as tough someone wiped their hand across the image.
I have lughts in my room that habd from the ceiling, I tok this image by soing around when I took the picture. I like how the lights at the end of the oink cable look really brught orange. in reall life the lighst are quite dull pink I like how the oirageyh ligtr has reflected onto the reast if the wallm. whihc has therefire nrighten the whole room and therefore brighten the image as a whole.

When we first started this task I didnt reakky know what I was meant to do and how I was meant to do it. I statred to get into the task quite quickly and alotogh I took quite a lot of images, most of them were blurry or were nit the right image I was lokimg for. I fund that I was not focusubng the camera oroperly and threreore my image didnt cine oyt right. However lookmg thriught the shoots I really kliked this one. the main thing I really like is that is lok reall you can see movement in this image. you can imagine the coach and wht hge is diung in this image. I like how the light refkects in his back and how the red,brown and balc of his jumoaer all compliment each other. one thing I would of changhed abit this imahe would of been to make as not as blurry.


Mitch Dobrowner

Forceful, strong, worldly. 
This picture resinates with me as it is a image that communicates so much with something that is so basic so simple. Compared to the other elements wind is not something that people associate with Strength but this image shows wind at its most powerful at its most authoritative. Looking at this photo it takes me out of my comfort zone its worldly and shows that the world is so much bigger them the people in it. 

In a time where America had lost not only a president man but someone who has resinated to with so many people across that nation. This photo was take at 1964 in a time where racism was rift ad was a daily norm for african Americans and many other minorities alike. This photo makes me feel emotional it shows how one man was able to affect so many people in such a string and positive way people from all walks of life came to say one final goodbye, its the time where a nation came to mourn and come together. I like the fcat that this image was taken from above

Tate Visit

  Guy Tillim a mention – there are just a few weeks left to check out a selection of works from his Congo Democratic series, as part of the Tate Modern collection display ‘New Documentary Forms’. The series examines the 2006 multi-party presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which followed decades of civil war, and, unsurprisingly, became the hotly-contested focus of the electorate’s hopes and fears for the future.


the first image we used a red head, the read head was placed above my head and all the light were turned of this created and edge and rim light image, my whole face is black out it is just the outline of my head and shoulders that people can see. i like this image because it is a strong effective bold image, this still image can tell us a lot about someones emotional state. The second image has got a key light on the right side of my face this light the right side of my face but leaves the left side completely in the dark this creates a half lit face this is good to communicate someone who has a dark side. The last image is done by having the whole place in the dark a fill light underneath Linda's head, Linda's head is lowered so that the fill light is gently and warmly lighting the left side of her face and her right side gradually goes into the dark. I like this image because it is quite a soft image to compare with the two above.

Luc Delahaye's Jenin Refugee Camp (c2001) on show at Tate Modern

Analyse images of music video

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