Line (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, perspective lines)
I have lughts in my room that habd from the ceiling, I tok this image by soing around when I took the picture. I like how the lights at the end of the oink cable look really brught orange. in reall life the lighst are quite dull pink I like how the oirageyh ligtr has reflected onto the reast if the wallm. whihc has therefire nrighten the whole room and therefore brighten the image as a whole.
Mitch Dobrowner
Forceful, strong, worldly.
This picture resinates with me as it is a image that communicates so much with something that is so basic so simple. Compared to the other elements wind is not something that people associate with Strength but this image shows wind at its most powerful at its most authoritative. Looking at this photo it takes me out of my comfort zone its worldly and shows that the world is so much bigger them the people in it.
In a time where America had lost not only a president man but someone who has resinated to with so many people across that nation. This photo was take at 1964 in a time where racism was rift ad was a daily norm for african Americans and many other minorities alike. This photo makes me feel emotional it shows how one man was able to affect so many people in such a string and positive way people from all walks of life came to say one final goodbye, its the time where a nation came to mourn and come together. I like the fcat that this image was taken from above
Tate Visit
Guy Tillim a mention – there are just a few weeks left to check out a selection of works from his Congo Democratic series, as part of the Tate Modern collection display ‘New Documentary Forms’. The series examines the 2006 multi-party presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which followed decades of civil war, and, unsurprisingly, became the hotly-contested focus of the electorate’s hopes and fears for the future. Light the first image we used a red head, the read head was placed above my head and all the light were turned of this created and edge and rim light image, my whole face is black out it is just the outline of my head and shoulders that people can see. i like this image because it is a strong effective bold image, this still image can tell us a lot about someones emotional state. The second image has got a key light on the right side of my face this light the right side of my face but leaves the left side completely in the dark this creates a half lit face this is good to communicate someone who has a dark side. The last image is done by having the whole place in the dark a fill light underneath Linda's head, Linda's head is lowered so that the fill light is gently and warmly lighting the left side of her face and her right side gradually goes into the dark. I like this image because it is quite a soft image to compare with the two above.
Luc Delahaye's Jenin Refugee Camp (c2001) on show at Tate Modern